How to do science labs for homeschooling?

Figuring out how to do science labs for a homeschooler (or just for fun) is a big challenge. Google is helpful, but it all kind of jumbles together. Putting the effort in is totally worth it, but where to begin? What are the options without having to know chemistry yourself?

Get a science curriculum with experiments

A good science curriculum will have hands-on science experiments included in it. Some you can do at home with kitchen equipment, and some you need extra supplies. If your curriculum doesn't have it then check out better ones.

Books with instructions

To supplement a curriculum with experiments you can get a specialized book that walks you through every step of the experiment including exactly what supplies you need, often just from the kitchen.

Follow Youtube creators

You can search for DIY science experiments. There are many that try to stick with kitchen equipment so you only have to get a few extra things. Plus, experiments on video are better than no experiment at all.

Buy a lab kit

There's only one listed for now. More to follow.

Take a class in high school or college

Some states in the US allow homeschoolers to take a few classes in the actual public school. Call them up and ask what they could offer. If that's a dead end you can try your local technical college, they offer a variety of classes that may suit a younger audience.

Where to get equipment?

In any case you need supplied. You can of course search your usual online stores (most likely Amazon). There are a few more specialized places to get specific things.

My top recommendation would be to get a curriculum that already includes the experiments. This way what your child is learning all throughout the year is intertwined with the experiments and it's easier to see the connection between the two. If your kid has an appetite for more then the books are an amazing supplement.

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Jamie Larson